


“In this area, every wound is healed and any evil is forgotten”, said dr. Antun Barac, who was born in Vinodol. Besides him, in this area other great men of Croatian public and cultural life were born.

Juraj Julije Klović

One of the greatest representatives of European and world miniature...


who was born in Vinodol in 1498. In his early youth he left for Italy. At first he went to Venice, and then to Rome, Mantova, Florence and other towns where he created his masterpieces of miniature. Soon he found himself among the leading artists of the 16th century, like Michelangelo, Raffael, El Greco etc. His works, which belong to the period of mannerism, are to be found in the greatest galleries and museums of the world. The only work that is located in our homeland is “Gloria in Excelsis Deo”.

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Antun Barac

a chronicler of Croatian literature


was born n Kamenjak (Grižane) in 1894. After finishing elementary school in Grižane, he continued his schooling in Rijeka. He went to study in Zagreb, where he earned his degree of doctor (“Dissertation on Vladimir Nazor”). He worked as a teacher in the Classics-program Secondary School in Sušak and Zagreb. After that, he worked as a professor of Modern Croatian Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. He started his literary work with riddles and poems, and continued with brilliant studies, essays and literary criticisms on practically all significant writers who were writing in the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century. Barac’s works are printed in about 20 books.

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Mihovil Kombol

great chronicler of literature


The other great chronicler of literature was born in 1883 in Bribir, where he went to elementary school. He attended secondary school in Sušak and Senj, and afterwards went to college to Vienna, where he also earned Doctor’s degree with his dissertation “About Accentuation of Dialects in the Bribir Area”. He worked as a high school teacher in several towns, among them Vukovar. He later taught Early Croatian Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy, and afterwards at the Academy of Theatrical Arts in Zagreb. He wrote numerous studies, criticisms and essays, and he is especially known for his brilliant translation of “The Divine Comedy”, which was painted by J.J. Klović. He died on November 9, 1955, the same year as Antun Barac.

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Josip Pančić

famous botanist and a teacher of natural sciences


Dr. Josip Pančić was born in 1814 in a hamlet called Ugrina in Bribir. He was a famous botanist and a teacher of natural sciences. He went to school in Bribir, Gospić and Rijeka, and he attended college in Pest. He spent the greatest part of his life in Serbia, where he became the first president of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences. He discovered numerous vegetal and animal species, and he is especially known for omorica picea, which became known as “Serbian spruce”. He died in 1888.

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The following great men were born in this area, too:

From Novi Vinodolski:

  • Antun Mažuranić (1805-1888), professor and Slavist

  • Ivan Mažuranić (1814-1890), viceroy and writer

  • Matija Mažuranić (1817-1881), travel writer

  • Fran Mažuranić (1859-1928), writer

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The following great men were born in this area, too:

From Crikvenica:

  • Ivan Kostrenčić, chronicler of literature

  • Ivan Skomerža, innovator and known for his contribution to the field of history of fishery
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