Hotel Balatura

2, ML, Sušik, 51243, Tribalj

About the accommodation unit

Outside the crowded Adriatic tourist centers, in the quiet Vinodol valley, 6 km from the Adriatic Sea, there is the ethno hotel "Balatura", surrounded by rocky hills and forests.

The three-hundred-year-old family estate, a complex of several stone old houses, has been converted into a comfortable guest house, attaching importance to the detailed reconstruction of the historic building.

Hotel "Balatura" in Tribalj sprang up on the foundations of an old rural household composed of four connected houses. The Ministry of Tourism provided support to Gordan Godec, the owner and investor of the hotel, for its construction and decoration. It has provided favorable credit funds from the "Under the Centuries-Old Roofs" program, which stimulates ventures to bring buildings from the category of general cultural property for tourist purposes. Hotel "Balatura" has thus become a step forward in preserving the architectural heritage of Vinodol.

Hotel "Balatura" has 10 double rooms. The TV or plasma is hung on the walls, but hidden by a decorative, framed canvas, which acts as a picture on the wall. The rooms also have internet connection. Each room has its own name after the coastal plants, in whose colors and details and the walls in them - lavender, wormwood, olive, laurel, rosemary, ciborium, lemon, sage, violet and thyme. All of these plants grow in hotel gardens.

Additional information


Accommodation type:


Contact the owner:

Anne-Kathrin & Gordan Godec
+385 51 455 340

Tourist Board of Vinodol Municipality
Bribir 1
51253 Bribir

from Monday to Friday
from 08:00 to 14:00.

 +385 (0)51 248-730
 +385 (0)91 248-7301
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